Our Values
Fair Trade
We consider fares asked by the craftswomen and men we collaborate with as a hypothesis and not a variable, to ensure they get a decent revenue stream and can continue earn a living from this time-honoured activity.
We also are particularly careful of avoiding potential overwork or pressure, giving enough freedom for the artisans to pace their work by not setting hard deadlines on orders.
Social Business
We have been inspired by the work of the Nobel Prize of Peace Muhammad Yunus on Social Businesses, and decided to apply a similar philosophy to our initiative.
For each sale made, we keep a percentage of the amount called "artisan support", as a provision.
At the end of the year, if we cover our costs and are profitable or breakeven, we dedicate the remaining amount of this provision as a contribution to fund the training programs organized by the National Office of Tunisian Handicrafts (ONAT).
Price Transparency
For every product, you find the price breakdown in the details section, so you have more information before deciding whether you would like to support our project.
For that, we distinguish 5 items:
- Artisan fares represent the share of artisans and/or structure (e.g. cooperative)
- Operational Costs comprise all expenses needed for the company to function and deliver the goods (logistics, banking and accounting, marketing)
- Artisan Support Provision to support initiatives helping Artisans sustain their craft
- Koom Margin allows us to be paid, invest in the company and expand our product offering
- VAT, which should need no introduction😅